The Mum-to-be Pregnancy Package
A gentle check up and clean, can mean a healthier mouth and baby
Service Description
Congratulations on this exciting time! As a future Mum, we understand that you want to do the best for yourself and your baby. A good place to start is visiting the dentist for a check up. The dentist will have a look and see whether you have any cavities, gum disease or any build up of bacteria. Depending on your situation, the dentist may recommend a gentle clean and polish. This is recommended as bacteria/infections in the mouth may potentially affect the health of your unborn baby. After a baby is born, the bacteria from the parents can also be transferred to the baby, when sharing utensils and kissing. This makes it even more important to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Please feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to help you get on track to improving your oral health. Your baby will thank you for it!

Contact Details
Meili Dental Care, Forest Road, Hurstville NSW, Australia